Valspar Exterior Paint Class Action Lawsuit

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Valspar Exterior Paint may be defective, according to claims which our attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are currently investigating. Consumers who have used Valspar Exterior Paint on vinyl siding have complained of defects, such as warping, bubbling, and discoloration, that reportedly damaged their home’s vinyl siding.

If your home’s vinyl siding was damaged after you used the allegedly defective Valspar Exterior Paint, you may be able to participate in a class action lawsuit and recover compensation for your losses. For more information, contact us today. Our product liability or class action attorneys may be able to help you.

What Is Valspar Exterior Paint?

Valspar Exterior Paint is manufactured by The Valspar Corporation. The paint is sold at Lowe’s, Ace Hardware, and other stores nationwide. While the manufacturer provides a lifetime warranty on the exterior paint and markets the paint as a long-lasting, durable product, our initial investigation suggests that the paint may cause severe damage to vinyl siding.

What Are the Reported Problems with Valspar Exterior Paint?

The Valspar Corporation markets its paint as providing excellent coverage and protection and sells the paint with a lifetime warranty. However, consumers have alleged that Valspar Exterior Paint defects have showed up in a relatively short period of time and have caused damage to their vinyl siding.

A number of consumers have reported issues with their Valspar Exterior Paint including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Warping of vinyl siding
  • Buckling of vinyl siding
  • Bubbling
  • Peeling
  • Expansion

Is There a Valspar Exterior Paint Recall?

Valspar Exterior Paint is not currently being recalled. However, that doesn’t mean that consumers cannot receive compensation for their loss of enjoyment and the costs of repair and replacement. If you have purchased defective Valspar Exterior Paint, you may be able to recover those costs through a lawsuit.

What Do I Do If I Have Used Valspar Exterior Paint?

If you have used Valspar Exterior Paint on your home and believe it may be defective, document all instances of warping, bubbling, peeling expansion and buckling, and hold onto your proof of purchase. This documentation is important if you participate in a class action against Valspar.

What Can I Collect in a Lawsuit?

By participating in a class action lawsuit against Valspar, you may be able to recover compensation for the removal and replacement of your damaged vinyl siding. This compensation may cover the labor costs associated with replacement, the cost of the siding, and additional damages, such as loss of enjoyment and use.

If your use of Valspar Exterior Paint has damaged your home, contact us today for a free, no-risk case evaluation. Visit our class action site for more information.