Risperdal Lawsuits

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The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are investigating potential lawsuits on behalf of young boys who have allegedly developed male breast tissue due to their use of the antipsychotic drug Risperdal. It has been alleged that Johnson & Johnson failed to provide adequate warnings about this risk and failed to properly research the side effects of the drug.

To find out how our attorneys may be able to help with your potential claim, please contact us today for a free, no obligation case review.

How Can Risperdal Cause Breast Development in Boys?

It has been alleged that Risperdal may increase levels of prolactin, a hormone which stimulates breast development in women. Young boys who have taken prolactin and are displaying increased levels of this hormone may develop male breasts, the growth of which is scientifically referred to as gynecomastia. Boys who have developed gynecomastia may experience pain or nipple discharge.

Research has surfaced supporting allegations that Risperdal may cause the development of breasts in young males. A study published in a 2006 issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology stated that risperidone, which is the generic of Risperdal, “administered to adolescents at doses commonly used for the treatment of psychotic symptoms can strongly increase prolactin levels, with clinical consequences such as gynecomastia.” The study also indicated that because the long-term effects of Risperdal are not well-documented with particular regard to growth and a delay in puberty, the drug should be prescribed with caution to children and adolescents.

Risperdal Lawsuit Settlements

It has been reported that among the Risperdal lawsuits pending against Johnson & Johnson and its Janssen unit, at least 130 of these cases allege that the drug caused male adolescents to grow breasts. The plaintiff in one of these cases alleged that he developed breasts as a result of his use of Risperdal, which he took between the ages of 9 and 14. He claimed that he developed psychological trauma as a result of his injuries and needed surgery to remove the breast tissue. On the first day of trial in mid-September 2012, Johnson & Johnson agreed to a settlement the amount of which remains confidential.

What Could I Recover?

Young boys who have developed breasts as result of Risperdal use can suffer from severe psychological trauma. As a result, many doctors have reportedly recommended that adolescent males who suffer from gynecomastia undergo surgery. Mild cases can be resolved with liposuction, while more severe cases will require a mastectomy.

If you or a loved one has used Risperdal and suffered from gynecomastia, you may have legal recourse to collect compensation for surgical expenses, hospital bills, mental anguish and other damages in a class action case. For more information, please contact our attorneys for a free consultation. There is no cost or obligation to have your claim reviewed.