Regions Bank Overtime Lawsuit

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Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys are investigating claims from anti-money laundering investigators and other Regions Bank employees alleging the company’s practices have denied them overtime pay to which they’re entitled.

Long Weeks and Short Paychecks

The AML investigators and others in similar positions allege that Regions Bank has violated overtime protections in the Fair Labor Standards Act by improperly classifying them as exempt from overtime pay. This means the employees might be working beyond 40 hours a week without receiving the time-and-a-half pay they deserve.

The bank classifies them that way, saying they are exempt because they are white collar workers. In reality, the tasks they do typically involve simply monitoring and reporting customer transactions for suspicious activities. These job duties should make them eligible for overtime under the FLSA.

If these allegations are substantiated, they would point to violations of the FLSA and state labor laws, and the plaintiffs would be entitled to compensation for their unpaid overtime pay.

Concerned Bank Employees Should Contact Morgan & Morgan Today

If you have worked for Regions Bank as an AML investigator and think you should have been receiving overtime pay, you might be eligible for compensation.

For more information about the ongoing overtime investigation, please contact us at (877) MORGAN-LAW. Or fill out a free case evaluation today.

Morgan & Morgan has a team of lawyers dedicated to representing employees in wage-and-hour actions. We litigate hundreds of unpaid wages cases a year involving thousands of employees across the nation, including collective actions similar to this case.