Essure Birth Control Lawsuit

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Morgan & Morgan is pursuing a mass tort against Bayer Healthcare for the product Essure, which is claimed to be “the only available nonsurgical form of permanent birth control.” Essure has been available in the U.S. since 2002. However, the birth control device has been linked to serious side effects and complications. Studies show that Essure can allow pregnancy and cause abdominal pain, bleeding, vaginal infection and, in severe cases, death.

Initially, Essure was FDA approved and was available in stores all over the U.S. The device was approved based on how well it prevented pregnancy, how safe the procedure to implant the inserts was, and how safe the inserts continued to be for the patient after implantation. Now, the FDA is currently reconsidering their approval after a large number of patients reported that they experienced adverse complications because of Essure.

How Does Essure Work?

Essure is meant for women who are certain that they do not want any more children.

First, a doctor implants tiny inserts into each fallopian tube. The entire process takes 10 minutes and no anesthesia is required. The inserts are soft, designed to conform to each woman’s body shape, and do not contain hormones.

Once implanted, the patient needs to rely on another form of birth control for a period of three months – the time it takes for Essure to start working. After that, a follow up with a radiologist is required in order to confirm that the fallopian tubes are completely blocked. In order to do so, a dye is injected into the cervix and an X-ray is taken to ensure that no dye leaked past the Essure.

Essure is meant for women who are certain that they do not want any more children. This form of birth control is not effective for women who have had a recent pelvic infection, have had their tubes tied, have an allergy to contrast dye, have an allergy to nickel, or who are already pregnant before deciding to use Essure.

What’s Wrong With Essure?

The health complications are due to the fact that the inserts contain nickel-titanium alloys, a material known to cause allergic reactions. Once the inserts are placed in the body, they release nickel into the tubes and patients who are allergic to nickel may have serious allergic reactions.

Symptoms of a reaction include rash, itching, and hives. If you are currently using Essure and are experiencing these symptoms, you may be in danger of facing detrimental side effects.

In addition to allergic reactions, Essure can cause other complications, including:

  • Pain/Abdominal Pain
  • Heavier/ Irregular Menstruation
  • Fatigue
  • Weight Fluctuations
  • Device Breakage
  • Dyspareunia
  • Malposition of the Device

Nickel is a very common allergen and can cause contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis causes an itchy, red rash. It can also cause dry patches of skin resembling a burn, blisters, and severe itchiness. Although the amounts of nickel released in the fallopian tubes by Essure are minute, the damage caused is severe and painful.

Can I Remove Essure From My Body?

For a long time, Essure was believed to be non-reversible. Now, although the process is fairly new, patients can reverse the procedure. Removing Essure coils is a surgical procedure which takes about 30-45 minutes and is conducted under general anesthesia. Openings are made into each fallopian tube and the coils are carefully removed so they remain intact. The openings in the fallopian tubes are then sealed. The entire procedure can cost thousands of dollars.

If you underwent the Essure procedure, and you are reversing it in order to have a child, it’s important to know that your chances of pregnancy are not ideal. After Essure removal, your chances are around 35% - 40%.

Although the amounts of nickel released in the fallopian tubes by Essure are minute, the damage caused is severe and painful.

I’m Experiencing Complications From Essure, What Should I Do?

If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, the first thing to do is visit a medical professional to identify the cause. A doctor may be able to confirm whether your complications are caused by Essure and will also be able to provide treatment to manage the conditions. If your symptoms are severe, visit an emergency room immediately.

If you are considering using Essure, it’s always important to check beforehand whether your body is suited for it. The procedure is difficult and expensive to reverse and you may suffer from long-term complications. Check with your doctor immediately if the rash affects your face or genitals.

If you decided to use Essure to prevent pregnancy and experienced serious complications or side effects, you may be entitled to compensation. Essure was marketed as a safe, highly effective for birth control device, and the only permanent form of birth control that didn’t require surgery. As studies and reports show, this may not be true.

Bayer Healthcare has now acknowledged that their device can cause various complications. The product has put users at risks for chronic pains and illnesses. Morgan & Morgan attorneys can help you file a lawsuit in order to receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Our attorneys have decades of experience fighting for the rights of victims who encountered surprising and unwanted side effects from drugs and medical devices. We have fought large pharmaceutical and medical corporations on behalf of our clients and have won millions of dollars in the past.

How Do I Join the Mass Tort?

If you believe that Essure caused your complication, you may be eligible to join our mass tort case currently in progress. You may be eligible to receive compensation for the damages caused by the product. Compensation can be used for future medical bills, lost wages, or even loss of life’s enjoyment. The amount of compensation you may be eligible to receive depends on when you started using the inserts, and how extensive your health complications are.

The first step is to contact Morgan & Morgan and speak to an attorney. Morgan & Morgan is one of the largest plaintiffs’ firms in America and has 30 offices across the U.S. You do not need to physically go into one of our offices in order to get help. By completing our form, you can speak to an attorney who can advise you on your case for free.