Clergy Sex Abuse Lawsuit

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Survivors of clergy sex abuse in the Archdiocese of New York are brave people who have endured so much. We want to help these victims heal, aiding in their fight for justice for themselves and others who were sexually abused by priests or other clergy when they were children.

In the wake of the child sex abuse scandal, which spans five decades and involves at least 200 known victims, the NY Archdiocese has established a special program. It is designed to help victims of sexual abuse recover compensation for their suffering, even for abuse claims that are decades old.

However, there is a time limit on when you can submit your claim. And because New York has strict statute of limitation (SOL) laws, victims may not have a chance to seek justice after the Jan. 31 deadline. Our class action attorneys are here to help you with this settlement process.

If you were sexually abused by members of the clergy in New York, you may be entitled to compensation. There is a limited time to submit your claim, so do not hesitate to contact our attorneys today at 877-785-3815.

What is the Archdiocese of New York Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (“IRCP”)?

Formed by Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan and headed by Kenneth R. Feinberg, the Archdiocese of New York Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program is tasked with determining eligibility and awarding compensation for victims of sexual abuse by the clergy.

The IRCP program will be run in two phases. The first phase specifically addresses the approximately 170 known victims to the church who have not received compensation for their suffering. The second phase is for those who haven’t yet come forward about their abuse. Regardless of which category victims fall under, they should call us today at 877-785-3815.

Who is Eligible for Compensation?

In order to be eligible for compensation under Phase I of the IRCP program, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You have previously submitted a complaint of sexual abuse as a minor to the NY Archdiocese.
  • Your complaint of sexual abuse was directed at a member of the Archdiocese, not a member of another religious order or a clergy member of another diocese.
  • You have not previously settled a sexual abuse claims with the Archdiocese.

What Do I Do If I’m a Known Victim to the NY Archdiocese?

If you are one of the approximately 170 known sexual abuse victims to the church, contact our attorneys today at 877-785-3815 to pursue compensation from the NY Archdiocese. Claims must be submitted no later than Jan. 31, 2017, so time is of the essence.

What If I’m a Victim Who Has Not Yet Come Forward to the NY Archdiocese?

If you were sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy and have not previously come forward as a victim to the NY Archdiocese, you may be eligible to participate in Phase II of the IRCP program on Feb. 1. Contact our attorneys today at 877-785-3815 for more details.

Call 877-785-3815 to Learn More About How Much You Can Recover

The program has no aggregate cap for individual case compensation, according to the program.

Along with potentially recovering compensation from this fund, you and other known victims will be holding the Archdiocese responsible for the rampant abuse and negligence that has occurred over time.

Submitted claims will be paid out within 60 days from the date the claim is deemed eligible by the NY Archdiocese, according to the program. Contact our class action lawyers at 877-785-3815.