Bowling Green Product Liability Attorneys

When you purchase a product, you expect it to work properly and be safe to use. However, this is not always the case as some products prove to be defective.

A seriously flawed product can cause injury or even death. Our legal team at Morgan & Morgan has extensive experience handling product liability claims related to medical devices, medicines, consumer fraud, and other types of products.

Our attorneys can review your claim, protect your rights, and provide you with knowledgeable counsel at each stage of your product liability case. If a defective product causes harm to you or your loved ones, you may be entitled to receive compensation. Fill out our free case evaluation form to see what a Bowling Green product liability attorney may be able to do for you.

What Is a Product Liability Claim?

A product liability claim is a civil lawsuit that holds a manufacturer liable for injuries sustained by a consumer. It should be noted that anyone who suffers an injury because of an unreasonably dangerous product may file a claim, not just the product owner.

Types of Product Liability Claims

Product liability claims generally fall into one of four main categories described below: defectively manufactured products, defectively engineered products, marketing defects, and failure to warn or instruct.

  • Defectively Manufactured Product: A defectively manufactured product is one which contains a flaw not in its blueprint design, but rather in its individualized manufacturing. In other words, the defective product is different from the other ones on the shelf due to an unique error in its production. As with any Kentucky product liability case, persons wishing to file a claim involving a defectively manufactured project must be able to show that there was a defect, that the defect caused their injuries, and that their own negligence did not play a part.
  • Defectively Designed Product: Defectively designed products are those with inherently dangerous or defective design models. Unlike defectively manufactured products, in which only singular instances of the product are faulty, products with a design defect contain an error in their engineering or blueprints. In these cases, the entire line of products is defective and/or dangerous.
  • Marketing Defects: Marketing defects claims typically involve products that have been falsely or incorrectly advertised. Most commonly, these types of claims are filed against pharmaceutical companies who advertise that a drug or medical product can be used in an unapproved and dangerous function, or a company that claims its product is safe when they are aware that it is not.
  • Failure to Warn or Instruct: Claims concerning failure to warn or instruct are typically filed against manufacturing companies that neglect to provide adequate warnings, instructions or any otherwise necessary information about a product which deviates from the commonly marketed model. If the average customer believes a product should behave a certain way and it does not, the manufacturer has a responsibility to notify the customer of the difference to avoid problems.

Contact a Bowling Green Product Liability Attorney Today

At Morgan & Morgan, we understand that a defective product or drug can cause significant physical, emotional and financial distress. This is why our trusted Bowling Green product liability attorneys are committed to helping those suffering due to a faulty or improperly advertised product.

We will fight to hold the negligent party accountable for their actions and recover the compensation you need. If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective product, we can help. To learn what our Bowling Green product liability attorneys may be able to do for you, fill out our free case evaluation form today.