Bowling Green Insurance Claim Lawyers

Insurance is quite important for policyholders because it can protect you if an accident or unforeseen event occurs. However, there are many times when an insurance company may fight you over a valid claim that you submit, all in an effort to save money. At Morgan & Morgan, our insurance claim attorneys understand that when a policyholder submits a claim to their insurance company, they expect the company will act in good faith and honor the validity of the claim.

Disputes often arise after an insurance company denies a seemingly valid claim, many times without a legitimate reason or explanation. Insurance companies generate a greater profit when policyholders do not file claims or fail to collect on those submitted under their policies. Some insurance companies habitually deny claims and will only investigate a claim if the policyholder takes legal action.

At Morgan & Morgan, our Bowling Green insurance dispute attorneys have extensive experience helping clients recover the compensation to which they are entitled.

If you are in a dispute with your insurance company — or have a claim that was denied or undervalued — contact the insurance dispute attorneys at Morgan & Morgan’s Bowling Green office for a free case evaluation.

Why Was My Insurance Claim Denied?

Unfortunately, insurance companies often interpret and manipulate the language in their policies to minimize or deny valid claims. Insurance providers have a significant self-interest to protect their cash reserves and to avoid payouts to policyholders. When an insurance company denies or undervalues a claim, they may allege that:

  • There was a material misrepresentation in the policy itself, excluding coverage for this particular claim;
  • There was a failure by the insured to pay policy premiums on time which caused coverage or lapse; or
  • The injury falls outside of the scope of coverage.

Do I Have a Bad Faith Claim or Unfair Claims Handling Case?

Under Kentucky law, an insurance company may be held liable if it did not act fairly and honestly toward its policyholder in response to a claim. In many cases, policyholders believe they have a bad faith claim against their insurer if a claim is denied; however, this is a common misconception.

It is more likely that, if a claim has been wrongfully denied, a breach of contract or unfair claims denial case should be pursued. In most cases, bad faith claims are handled by our personal injury attorneys, not the attorneys in our insurance dispute department; however, some bad faith claims will fall under the umbrella of our insurance dispute attorneys. It is important to contact our Bowling Green office to determine which type of claim best fits your situation.

Most states, including Kentucky, have adopted the Unfair Claim Settlement Practices Act and augmented the law to protect the rights of insured policyholders within the state. Unfair claims handling occurs when an insurance company attempts to avoid paying valid claims or reduces the payment to their own policyholders.

Examples of unfair claims handling include fraud, misleading or deceiving a policyholder, neglect or refusal to fulfill a contractual obligation, or the conscious wrongdoing by the insurance company.

What Types of Insurance Disputes Do Bowling Green Attorneys Handle?

At our Bowling Green office, our attorneys are committed to helping clients settle insurance claims disputes in a wide range of practice areas. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of insurance disputes handled by the attorneys in our offices:

  • Homeowners and Business Property Losses;
  • Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Claims;
  • Personal Insurance Protection;
  • Car Insurance Coverage;
  • Health Insurance;
  • Fire Damage;
  • Unfair Claims Handling and Bad Faith;
  • Disability Insurance;
  • Professional Liability Coverage;
  • Errors & Omissions Coverage (E&O);
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage;
  • Medical Billing;
  • Life Insurance; and
  • Hurricane and Windstorm Claims.

If you live in Kentucky and believe that you are being treated unfairly by your insurance company, please do not hesitate to contact an experienced Bowling Green insurance dispute attorney at Morgan & Morgan by filling out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.