Bowling Green Debt Collection Harassment Attorneys

There are many times when paying off debt can be a real struggle, especially if your finances are not affording you the breathing room to make payments on time.

Even so, no one should be hounded endlessly by debt collectors at all hours of the day (or night). Are you getting debt calls that will not stop? If you are being followed or harassed by a debt collector, or other agency in Bowling Green, Morgan & Morgan can protect your rights. Repeated contact from creditors or debt collectors is stressful, frustrating, and sometimes threatening.

Fortunately, there are laws that can stop people who use harassment and threats to try and collect a debt. If you are being harassed by debt collection agencies, we can help. To learn what our Bowling Green debt collection harassment attorneys may be able to do for you, please fill out our free case evaluation form today.

Are You Receiving Harassing Phone Calls About Debt?

It is common to get behind on your bills. A lost job, reduction in hours, unexpected financial burden, or just credit cards can be financially overwhelming.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is legislation that prohibits and punishes debt collectors who abuse or harass you and your family over unpaid bills or debt. Our debt collection attorneys in Bowling Green help you understand how federal law protects you against debt calls and other actions that include:

  • Unfair debt collection tactics: A debt collector, or debt collection agency, may not contact you at all hours of the day or night. Calls made after 9:00 p.m., or before 8:00 a.m. could be considered unreasonable. Making repeated attempts to contact you at work is inappropriate if you have informed them not to contact you at your place of employment. If you are represented by a debt collection attorney in Bowling Green or elsewhere, a debt collector may only contact or correspond with your attorney.
  • Harassment and abuse: If you are targeted by a debt collector in Kentucky who uses abuse to threaten or intimidate you, it is illegal. Debt agencies may not threaten violence or imprisonment. They also cannot place harassing phone calls, or inform your associates through advertisement or other means that you owe a debt.
  • Misrepresentation: When contacted by debt collectors, many people are upset, embarrassed or frightened by the prospect of legal action. Some debt collectors misrepresent themselves as attorneys, government officials, or even as a creditor.

A creditor is an organization to whom you directly owe money, such as a car dealership, or the bank that finances your home loan. Debt collectors often work for an agency that has purchased your debt from a creditor for pennies on the dollar. Some unscrupulous debt collectors try to collect twice on debt, or collect on debt that has already been discharged by a creditor, called zombie debt.

If you do not know your rights, and a person shows up at your door telling you that you owe money right now, it is important for you to know how to get help. Remember the FDCPA exists to protect you from unfair and harassing debt collection efforts. This law does not prevent creditors or debt collectors from legally proceeding with debt collection actions against you for unpaid debt.

Also, the FDCPA protects individuals who owe consumer debt, such as car loans, house payments, medical bills, and charges on credit cards. The FDCPA is not intended for use in commerce for business debt.

We May be Able to Help You With Unfair Debt Collection in Bowling Green

If you are being hounded by debt collection agencies, we can help. To learn what our Bowling Green debt collection lawyers may be able to do for you, please contact us by filling out our free case evaluation form.