Bowling Green Car Accident Attorneys

A car accident can occur unexpectedly whenever you are on the road. Even when you are doing everything right behind the wheel, an accident can still happen. Other motorists may not be focusing on the road or may be completely distracted by mobile gadgets.

This carelessness can lead to a serious injury or even death. Each day in the United States, over eight people are killed and 1,161 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver, according to the Center for Disease Control. Distracted driving can increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash. Driving under the influence, lack of experience, and other negligent factors can also put other motorists on the road at risk.

At Morgan & Morgan, our Bowling Green attorneys understand that car accident victims may have questions about their legal rights following a crash. We are committed to helping injured drivers, passengers, and pedestrians understand these rights and how they may be able to obtain compensation to cover damages such as medical bills and lost wages.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car accident, find out how our Bowling Green car accident attorneys could help. Please fill out our free case evaluation form. Depending on the details of your crash, you may be able to seek compensation through insurance claims or a lawsuit against a negligent driver.

Kentucky Car Accident Lawsuit Process: An Initial Investigation

The at-fault party’s insurance company will immediately launch an investigation into the accident in an attempt to reduce the amount they may have to pay out. While this investigation proceeds, it is important for your Bowling Green attorney to complete a thorough investigation of his or her own.

The strength of your case will ultimately rest on your attorney’s ability to collect and present evidence that illustrates that the other party was negligent and therefore responsible for your damages. In his or her investigation, your attorney may determine whether the defendant:

  • Failed to pay attention to their surroundings;
  • Drove while distracted;
  • Drove under the influence;
  • Violated traffic laws; and
  • Drove without a license.

Your attorney’s investigation to determine fault may include:

  • Reviewing Bowling Green police reports and photographs;
  • Interviewing witness statements;
  • Reviewing video footage of the accident, if available;
  • Researching the history of both parties’ driving records;
  • Analyzing your medical reports with experts to determine the most likely scenario of how you sustained your injury; and
  • Recreating the scene of the accident.

What Damages Could I be Eligible for After a Car Accident?

To determine the amount of compensation you will request, and for which expenses, your attorney will work with experts to pinpoint your injuries and project your accident-related expenses. Damages to which you may be entitled include, but are not limited to:

  • Current and future medical expenses;
  • Lost wages;
  • Loss of future earning capacity;
  • Property damage;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Loss of enjoyment of life; and
  • Loss of intimacy and support.

Proving Distracted Driving in Bowling Green

Negligence refers to an individual or entity’s failure to meet the standard level of acceptable behavior which includes paying proper attention while operating a vehicle to ensure the safety of others. In recent years, the number of distracted drivers has risen sharply, in large part due to the distractions our phones and other pieces of technology that we rely on daily provide.

Distracted driving may refer to eating or drinking while driving, using the car’s electronic system, attempting to program a GPS device, talking on the phone, texting while driving, and checking other electronic media. If you are injured in a car accident and believe it was caused by a distracted driver, your attorney can launch an investigation into the crash to identify any indications of negligence.

Your attorney may be able to prove distracted driving by:

  • Reviewing traffic camera and video footage;
  • Requesting official cell phone records;
  • Examining the time of phone usage;
  • Analyzing tickets the driver may have been issued prior to the crash;
  • Determining where (and if possible, when) a GPS was used; and
  • Retracing the driver’s steps to determine whether food or a beverage was purchased.

Auto Accident Cases Our Bowling Green Attorneys Handle

The attorneys in Morgan & Morgan’s Bowling Green office handle an extensive range of car accident cases. We handle cases involving brain and spinal cord injuries, whiplash, broken bones, concussions, internal damage, back injuries, paralysis, and lost limbs.

If you or a loved one was hurt in a serious car accident caused by another’s negligence, complete our free case evaluation form today to learn how our Bowling Green car accident attorneys may be able to help.