Bowling Green Burn Injury Attorneys

A burn injury is a traumatic experience that can leave a person disfigured and in constant physical pain. This injury can also prove to be quite costly as the victim may choose to undergo various medical procedures to restore their life to normalcy.

At Morgan & Morgan’s Bowling Green office, our attorneys realize that victims of burn injuries are often left with physical and psychological scars, overwhelming medical bills and lost wages. When a burn injury results from another’s negligence or during the scope of employment, the victim may be able to seek compensation for these and other losses.

Insurance adjusters will work hard to minimize payouts to burn injury victims; therefore, it is important for victims to contact a skilled burn injury attorney as soon as possible after an accident to determine whether they are owed compensation for their injuries.

Have you or a loved one suffered a burn injury? If so, contact our Bowling Green burn injury attorneys, to find out if you can recover compensation for physical pain, medical bills, and other damages. Please fill out our free case review form today.

Types of Claims Involving Fire Injury Lawsuits

In addition to workplace injury claims, our Bowling Green burn injury lawyers also handle these types of claims:

  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Truck accidents and tanker explosions;
  • Electrical cord fires;
  • Defective products;
  • Locked fire exits;
  • Apartment building fires;
  • Scalding water and pipes;
  • Electrical accidents; and
  • Recreational fires (hotel, restaurant, retail outlet, nightclub).

Burn Injuries at Work

Burn injuries are far too common in the workplace, with fires and explosions causing 5,000 such injuries each year, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. When an employee suffers a burn injury at work, they may be able to file a worker’s compensation claim.

Worker’s compensation is a type of insurance which provides employees who were injured on the job with wage replacement and medical benefits. In exchange for these benefits, the employee forfeits their right to sue their employer for negligence.

There are many cases where insurance companies will try to limit payouts or deny benefits entirely; workers who have suffered a burn injury on the job should speak with an attorney immediately to discuss their legal rights and options. Worker’s compensation benefits do not offer payment for pain and suffering, loss of life’s enjoyment, loss of consortium or disfigurement; however, these damages may be available for burn injury victims who pursue third party claims.

In these cases, the worker will file a suit against a third-party, such as a subcontractor or product manufacturer, to seek damages which may supplement their worker’s compensation benefits. Our burn injury lawyers handle both worker’s compensation and third-party claims stemming from a number of accidents including refinery fires, chemical plant explosions, construction site accidents and chemical exposure.

Contact a Bowling Green Burn Injury Attorney

Though first-degree burns can heal quickly, second, third and fourth-degree burns can cause severe injury and disfigurement. If you or a loved one has faced a severe burn injury, we can help.

To see what your legal options may be, please fill out our free case evaluation form today.