Boston Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

When you put a loved one in a nursing home, there is an immense amount of trust put into that establishment as its employees tend to the well-being of your loved one. For them to break that trust, leading to the abuse of an elder, is unconscionable.

Your family shouldn’t have to deal with that. The nursing home abuse attorneys in our Boston office have extensive experience helping families stop nursing home abuse and recover damages for any related losses. If you suspect that a nursing home in Boston is mistreating one of your loved ones, an elder abuse attorney can help ensure the abusive behavior ceases immediately.

At Morgan & Morgan, we are proud to have helped families throughout the state get justice for relatives who have been abused, neglected, traumatized, or injured by nursing home negligence and staff abuse. Contact us today to find out if we can help you too.

Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse can be a difficult thing to pinpoint at first glance. Many elderly relatives have difficulties communicating due to a variety of diseases and conditions. Furthermore, loved ones can often experience injuries under normal conditions without any wrongdoing.

While these signs may not always indicate nursing home abuse or neglect, Boston residents who observe them should consider investigating further. These signs include:

  • Bedsores;
  • Unexplained and recurring bruises;
  • Dehydration or malnutrition;
  • Consistently poor hygiene;
  • Extreme fear or anxiety;
  • Unexplained infections; and
  • Unexplained injuries.

How Can An Elder Abuse Attorney Help Me?

It’s important to know that you have rights and options if your loved one is the victim of abuse. Massachusetts law protects the elderly from these abuses, and allows you to report physical, emotional, and financial abuse if you have reasonable cause to believe abuse is happening. Having an elder abuse attorney can be extremely helpful for those who know of the abuse but don’t know the proper steps to take.

In some cases, your attorney may notify local, Massachusetts state, or federal authorities so that they can conduct their own investigations. If criminal charges are filed against the nursing home or a member of its staff, your attorney can work with the authorities to make sure they have all necessary information to prosecute the nursing home. Next, your elder abuse attorney can evaluate the facts of your case and determine if a claim should be filed against the nursing home.

It’s important to know that you have rights and options if your loved one is the victim of abuse.

If so, the attorney may be able to seek compensation for the harm caused to your loved one. In addition, in cases involving particularly egregious conduct, the attorney may seek punitive damages, which are designed to punish the facility and discourage other nursing homes from engaging in similar types of misconduct. In cases involving negligent care or physical abuse, your attorney may evaluate the resident’s medical records and work with a medical expert to analyze the extent of the abuse that occurred at the nursing home.

Many nursing homes in Massachusetts are owned by large corporations that operate hundreds of facilities throughout the country. These corporations have the resources to hire large teams of high-paid attorneys to defend negligence and elder abuse lawsuits. Morgan & Morgan has the resources to go toe to toe with these high-paid attorneys, and our attorneys don’t come with the price tag of other attorneys. We work on a contingency-fee basis.

That means if we don’t win your case, you don’t pay. This lets you keep yourself in the fight against companies who have more powerful resources than you, because you deserve that chance for your elderly loved one.

Contact Morgan & Morgan About Your Case

People who believe their elderly loved ones have experienced nursing home abuse or neglect often don’t know what to do, and the next steps can be unclear.

If you suspect that a Massachusetts nursing home is mistreating one of your loved ones, please complete our contact form for a free, no-risk consultation.