Boston Insurance Claim Attorneys

When you submit a claim to your insurance company, you do it hoping that the company will act in good faith, honoring the validity of your claim. Many insurance companies do that. Too often though, other insurers will deny a seemingly valid claim without providing a clear explanation.

Insurance companies generate a greater profit when policyholders do not file claims or fail to collect on those submitted under their policies. Some insurance companies habitually deny claims—regardless of their legitimacy—and will only investigate a claim if the policyholder takes legal action.

At Morgan & Morgan, our insurance dispute attorneys have extensive experience helping clients recover the compensation to which they are entitled. If you are in a dispute with your insurance company—or have a claim that was denied or undervalued—contact the insurance dispute attorneys at Morgan & Morgan’s Boston office for a free consultation.

The Concept of Bad Faith

If you’re looking to settle a denied insurance claim in your favor, it’s important to know the ways that insurers will act in bad faith. Some notable ways insurers will act in bad faith include:

  • Ignoring claims or other communications for policyholders;
  • Denying claims without conducting an investigation;
  • Misrepresenting the coverage the insured’s policy provides;
  • Failing to provide a basis for claims denial;
  • Failing to promptly inform the insured that additional information is needed to adjust a claim; and
  • Denying a claim or failing to promptly adjust a claim without a valid reason.

Some insurance companies will do everything in their ability to deny you coverage, even for minor charges. After years of faithful payments, companies might reject the needs of their customers over something trivial.

Your Protections Provided By the State

The state of Massachusetts provides individuals with rights protecting them from bad faith actions thanks to Chapter 93A of its legislature, which regulates business practices for the protection of consumers. If your insurance company acted in bad faith with your claim, it may be a violation of the law. Determining bad faith can be difficult. A knowledgeable attorney can help wade through and understand the rights provided by the state and the federal government, while also maximizing your chance to get the compensation you need.

The Insurance Disputes Our Attorneys at Morgan & Morgan Handle

Morgan & Morgan is committed to helping our clients resolve insurance claims in a variety of practices. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of insurance disputes handled by the attorneys in our Boston office:

  • Homeowners and Business Property Losses;
  • Unfair Claims Handling and Bad Faith;
  • Disability Insurance;
  • Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Claims;
  • Professional Liability Coverage;
  • Errors & Omissions Coverage (E&O);
  • Personal Insurance Protection;
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage;
  • Car Insurance Coverage;
  • Medical Billing;
  • Health Insurance;
  • Life Insurance;
  • Fire Damage; and
  • Hurricane and Windstorm Claims.

Contact Us

Your insurance claim deserves a fair shot, but many insurers won’t treat it with the fairness it deserves. If you believe you are being treated unfairly by your insurance company, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced insurance dispute attorney from Morgan & Morgan, and fill out our case review form for a free evaluation.