Boston Burn Injury Attorneys

Burn injuries are particularly harsh injuries, ones that can cause permanent scarring and disfigurement if severe or not treated properly. Recovery time can be extremely long in some cases, and can lead to piling up medical expenses.

If someone else is possibly at fault for your burn injury, there are options for you to possibly receive compensation. Morgan & Morgan’s office in Boston has burn injury attorneys who understand not only the severity of your injury but the specifics of Massachusetts law, allowing us to investigate and create your case while you focus on recovering from a painful injury.

In doing this, our attorneys nationwide have helped our clients recover compensation for their burn injuries, helping them pay for their treatments and return to their previous quality of life. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a burn, you may be owed compensation for your injuries.

To learn more, contact our Boston office for a free evaluation of your case.

Types of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries can come from a number of different situations and environments, all of which result in varying severities of injury. One common cause of burn injuries is hot water and/or steam; these injuries can occur at home or at work. Homes have plenty of burn injury possibilities - especially those living in apartments or public housing with landlords.

Massachusetts has burn prevention laws in place, such as laws regarding smoke detectors in residential buildings, but a landlord’s negligence regarding things like smoke detectors, heating, wiring, and more could potentially start a fire, injuring their tenant in the process.

Many of these things can also pose a risk to homeowners as well, especially if not told about faulty wiring or heating prior to their purchase of the house, or if they’re not aware that a product or appliance in their home is defective.

Burn injuries are also a major risk on the job, especially if you’re dealing with dangerous materials. Workers’ compensation insurance may help you receive some compensation, but depending on the severity of your injury it may not be enough. Some work burn injuries include burns from chemicals and burns from electrocution.

In cases like these, you may be able to file a claim against your employer, or you may be able to file it against a third party (property owner, equipment manufacturer, etc.) to try and receive compensation.

How Serious Are Burn Injuries?

Even minor burn injuries can result in long-lasting damage to the victim. They can cause blisters, long-term pain, and permanent scarring, all of which could hurt one’s ability to perform their job for an extended period of time.

More severe ones can do permanent, gruesome damage to the victim’s skin, leaving scarring and disfigurement. These burns can cause infections that delay healing, damage nerves, cause a loss of feeling, or even worse. With all of these issues stemming from burns, medical bills can easily start to pile up.

A burn can lead to pain, scarring that requires skin grafts or even permanent nerve damage. Not only are those all enormous expenses, but you also now have a loss of income, as this injury has interfered with your ability to do your job.

How Can an Attorney Help Me?

Morgan & Morgan attorneys perform a thorough investigation to help build your case, determining who was at fault, and figuring out how much you may be able to receive in compensation. This is where the versatility of our lawyers becomes particularly helpful, as we are able to negotiate workers’ compensation claims or help you file a lawsuit against the party responsible.

Our investigation - which can include visiting the scene of the injury, obtaining medical records, and interviewing eyewitnesses to the event - allows us to present the best case possible to a judge. Should the defendant’s insurance decide to offer you a settlement, our attorneys are also expert negotiators, and are willing to discuss with their insurance and attorneys to try and get a better offer.

Should these negotiations stall, our attorneys also have trial experience and can take your case to court, presenting it in front of a jury.

Morgan & Morgan Burn Injury Attorneys May Be Able To Help

With all the damage that burn injuries can cause, it’s important to contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss the potential of your case. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Massachusetts is three years, so don’t hesitate. Fill out our free, no-obligation case evaluation form.