
2 Granite Ave, Boston, MA 02186

(857) 214-2148

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers in Boston

Our Boston-area attorneys at Morgan & Morgan work tirelessly to help get people the fair treatment and justice they deserve. In our nearly 30 years, we have represented hundreds of thousands of clients nationwide in a wide variety of practice areas, and we’ve recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on their behalf.

When someone is injured due to another’s negligence, we help the victim recover monetary damages for losses that they otherwise wouldn’t have suffered. These damages can include medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Though many personal injury lawsuits settle, our attorneys are renowned for their reputations as aggressive trial lawyers.

If you or a loved one was injured as a result of another’s negligence, we can help recover monetary damages for losses you or your loved one otherwise wouldn’t have suffered. These damages include medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Though many personal injury lawsuits settle, our attorneys are known for being aggressive trial lawyers who will give it their all to get you the compensation you deserve.

One thing to keep in mind, though: There is a statute of limitations for filing some types of lawsuits in Massachusetts, so don’t wait too long to reach out and learn more about how one of our attorneys may be able to help. Fill out this completely free, no-risk case evaluation for more information.

Cases We Handle

At Morgan & Morgan's Boston personal injury attorneys handle a variety of injury cases, including:

How Can a Morgan & Morgan Attorney Help?

At Morgan & Morgan, we are for the people, not the powerful. Our attorneys bring nearly 30 years of experience handling cases in a variety of practice areas. In that time they have built a strong reputation for their willingness to fight for their clients and for their success in the courtroom. As a result of this success, the firm has been able to expand to more than 30 offices across the country in 10 states, including Massachusetts.

By hiring a Morgan & Morgan attorney in Boston, you are getting someone who will do everything in their power to get you the compensation you deserve. Some of the things your attorney will do include:

  • Gather evidence, such as police reports, medical records, and insurance reports;
  • Question witnesses;
  • Work with relevant experts to better understand your case;
  • Negotiate with the insurance company; and/or
  • Prepare for trial

The final step our attorneys are willing to take on your behalf is to argue your case in court. Many of our attorneys are experienced trial attorneys, who are as adept at making arguments in the courtroom as they are negotiating satisfactory settlements.

Instead of convincing you an inadequate settlement offer is acceptable to take their cut and move on to the next client, our attorneys are willing to go to court if that’s what it takes to get you the compensation you deserve. Although every case is different, our various offices and attorneys have been able to get verdicts and settlements worth millions of dollars; one notable car accident case netted a settlement of over $47 million.

The severity and injury type, as well as the various damages you can claim, will determine the kind of settlement you could net. You simply won’t know what your case could be worth until you contact us.

What Can You Expect When Contacting Us?

The first contact between you and the firm will be with one of our 300 case evaluation specialists at the Case Control Center, who are available 24 hours, 7 days a week. There, one of our team members will ask you some initial questions about your potential claim. The interview is an important part of the legal process, and will typically last between 15 and 30 minutes.

After that, you will make an appointment for an in-person interview with one of our investigators. Our investigators will gather more information about your case and have you sign as our client. Since we employ more than 100 full-time field service investigators, we can work around your schedule, and are often able to send an investigator out to wherever is most convenient for you within 24 hours.

Following your meeting with one our investigators, your case will be directed to the appropriate legal department. The department head will then decide which attorney within that unit is best suited to handle your case. Typically, a client can expect to be assigned an attorney, legal assistant, and a paralegal within a week of initial contact, but the timeline of your case depends on its specifics.

From that point, your individual case staff is there to provide you with any advice you may need or answer any questions you may have.

How Much Does a Morgan & Morgan Attorney Cost?

At Morgan & Morgan we believe that every person should have access to quality legal representation, regardless of how much money they make. That’s why our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis, meaning they don’t collect a fee unless they win your case.

If you or a loved one were injured by the negligence of another person, you may be eligible for compensation. The Morgan & Morgan attorneys in Boston are here to help, and can inform you of your legal options. Contact us today by filling out a free, no-obligation case evaluation to learn more about how our attorneys may be able to help you.

What our clients say

verdicts & settlements