WARN Act Suit Filed Following Universal Health Care Layoffs

The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have filed a putative class action lawsuit alleging that American Managed Care, LLC violated the WARN Act. The WARN Act protects employees and their families by requiring covered employers with at least 100 workers to provide 60 days advanced notice of mass layoffs and plant closings. To view the complaint, please click here.

The suit stems from the recent layoffs at Universal Health Care, a St. Petersburg Medicare insurer which operates as Universal Health Care, but whose workers were employed by AMC. Plaintiff Elizabeth Lefkowitz brings the suit individually and behalf of a proposed class of all AMC employees who suffered an employment loss at the St. Petersburg, Florida site within the ninety days preceding March 29, 2013, who were not specifically offered employment with AMC on or before this date and who did not receive at least 60 days written notice of the plant closing or mass layoff. The suit claims that AMC did not provide its employees with 60 days notice of the plant closing or mass layoff which occurred on March 29, 2013 as required by the WARN Act. As a result of the closing on March 29, 2013, at least 50 employees experienced an employment loss as defined by the WARN Act, according to the suit.

The lawsuit seeks back pay for each day of the alleged violation, attorneys’ fees and costs, and benefits which would have been available under the employees’ benefits plans had the layoff not occurred. 

In February, Universal Health Care was accused of financial mismanagement, fraud and diversion of funds following a state investigation which found the company virtually insolvent. The Florida Department of Financial Services has liquidated Universal Healthcare, placing its 140,000 members with other medical plans. 

It has been reported that nearly all of the 800 Universal Health Care workers have lost their jobs. 

If you lost your job during the Universal Health Care layoff and would like to learn more about your potential legal rights, contact us today for more information.
