Usher's Stepson Brain Dead after Lake Lanier Jet Ski Crash

Tragic boating accidents continue to pile up in Lake Lanier, this time embroiling singing and dancing sensation Usher. Usher’s stepson, Kile Glover, was riding in an inner tube being pulled by a boat when a jet ski struck the tube and seriously injured him and a 15-year-old girl riding with him. According to CBS News, the boy was rescued by two Good Samaritans and the girl was saved by two Department of Natural Resources rangers. Doctors have since declared Kile as brain dead, saying that his brain has experienced no activity since he was admitted to the hospital after the accident.

A family friend, 38-year-old Jeffrey S. Hubbard, was riding the Jet Ski at the time and is currently under investigation for his role in the accident. The parents of Kile are Usher’s ex-wife, Tameka Foster, and Atlanta TV executive Ryan Glover. The girl, who was airlifted to a hospital in Atlanta, remains in serious condition with deep lacerations on her head and a broken arm. Alcohol is not believed to have been a factor in the accident.

This horrific accident comes at the heels of multiple other crashes on Lake Lanier that have caused severe injuries and multiple deaths. In April, a 32-year-old man from was operating a jet ski under the influence when he collided with a pontoon boat, killing one passenger and leaving another seriously injured. In June, a man was inebriated when he crashed into a pontoon boat filled with people, killing 9-year-old Jake Prince and 13-year-old Griffin Prince. Lake Lanier has been heavily criticized for being overpopulated with inexperienced and irresponsible boaters.

His family reportedly released a statement to CNN saying, “We know God’s in control, and are leaning on our faith in Him and His word at this most difficult time. We firmly believe in the power of prayer and ask that you all continue to pray and lift Kile up, as it’s the best way we can all support him now.” Usher, whose full name is Usher Raymond IV, has visited the injured child in the hospital at least once.

Jet Ski and other boating accidents are often tragic because those injured in the water are often at a serious risk of drowning. In addition, multiple accidents on Lake Lanier this year have illustrated the awful consequences of operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol or before understanding how to control the vehicle. Victims of these accidents may experience lasting physical and mental problems, which take a toll on their entire family.
