Trials Help Medical Malpractice Victims Get Justice

Trials Help Medical Malpractice Victims Get Justice Hero Image

This is another entry in our week-long series celebrating the importance of trials. Why are trials important? It’s about justice.

When doctors make mistakes, patients can hold them responsible with a medical malpractice claim. However, doctors generally do not want to take responsibility for their actions for fear of hurting their careers, and a trial is usually the only way for victims to get justice.

A case we resolved in 2016 perfectly illustrates how doctors often try to deny malpractice, only to be made to face the consequences in court - Trentham V. Williams. The case involved a seven-year-old boy whose nose was disfigured when the doctor operating on him made a mistake. After a pretrial offer of zero dollars, attorneys Bryan Smith and Jodi Black took the case to court and got the jury to award the boy and his family $1,971,000

To learn more about the importance of trials, and how Smith and Black were able to obtain their client justice in court, check out the video below. For more information on why trials matter, check out our handy guide.
