Morgan & Morgan Brings Home One of 2016’s Biggest Verdicts Against Papa John’s

Morgan & Morgan Brings Home One of 2016’s Biggest Verdicts Against Papa John’s Hero Image

One of Morgan & Morgan’s trial victories is making waves this year thanks to a surprisingly large verdict won by Keenan Nix on behalf of his client, Glenda Williams. Though the accident was described by Nix as relatively common, her injuries were not, and the response Papa John’s put forth was unacceptable for the damages she experienced.

The $11 million verdict shows first that big wins can come even in unexpected places, according to Courtroom View Network. But more importantly, that even the biggest hurdles — like dealing with the legal team of an enormous and well-known brand — can be cleared with a competent attorney. Here are some details about the case, and what goes into a big victory like this.

Papa John’s Didn’t Take the Case Seriously

Glenda Williams was driving in DeKalb County, Georgia, when a Papa John’s delivery driver collided head-on with her after crossing the painted center line of the road. In the crash, Glenda suffered a concussion, otherwise known as a traumatic brain injury.

When Keenan Nix came upon the case, Glenda had already tried seeking representation, and her former attorney attempted to settle the case for a pitiful $100,000. Nix saw that was terribly insufficient given what Glenda was up against.

“I immediately recognized the devastating signs and symptoms of post-concussion syndrome and got her the medical care she needed to get her life back on track,” Nix said.

While Glenda recovered, Nix gathered his evidence with the help of his team, prominently including long-time partner Christopher Graddock, another of Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys.

The two attempted to mediate with Papa John’s, but after a $220,000 settlement offer in response to his $2.5 million demand for Glenda, the team decided to take the case to trial. Time and time again Papa John’s neglected to take the case seriously precisely because Glenda looked healthy on the surface.

Uncovering the real damages of a car accident like this is one of the most difficult barriers to a favorable result, but competent legal representation can help overcome any stumbling blocks in front of your case.

Our Client Found the Peace She Needs

The case ended favorably, and our firm left with an $11 million verdict, more than 50 times the amount offered to Glenda in mediation. Nix showed the jury that Glenda Williams was significantly impacted by the accident, and demonstrated to the courtroom the pain and suffering a traumatic brain injury causes that can’t be seen on CT or MRI scans.

Ms. Williams suffered in silence, dealing with bouts of nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, and more. Her memory and attention span also suffered, and caused her confusion and anxiety. Although her symptoms did not show up on test results, Ms. Williams certainly felt them.

No one, individual or corporation, should be let off the hook for the suffering and financial straits they caused. An opportunity to shed light on delivery drivers and the companies that ignore or shield their actions was revealed by this blockbuster verdict.

Because of our team’s success, Glenda is able to recover in comfort, relieved about her financial situation and vindicated that the accident occurred through no fault of her own.

Accidents Like This Happen All Too Frequently

Williams v. Papa John’s International was about the suffering a woman who was injured simply driving down the street. Driving is something everyone should be able to enjoy without undue fear of injury. If an accident does occur, compensation should be prompt and fair, but the negligent party isn’t always prepared to take full responsibility for their actions.

The right attorney can make the difference when it comes to facilitating your case. In Nix’s own words, “our resolve was richly rewarded, and you cannot overstate the importance of being ready, willing, and able to try your case in the face of substandard settlement offers.”

We’re always ready to fight. Our attorneys and the entire legal team at Morgan & Morgan won’t rest until you they’ve exhausted every avenue of receiving the compensation, and more importantly, the justice, that you need to begin the process of recovery.

If you’ve been in a car accident, don’t hesitate to speak with our knowledgeable legal team for a free, no-risk case evaluation. We make it our job to try and get you compensation for your injuries, but more importantly, justice for the wrong done to you.
