Statewide Medical Marijuana Bus Tour Begins Today

John Morgan and United For Care campaign manager Ben Pollara are taking their cause on the road.

The faces of the “Yes on 2” campaign begin their four-day bus tour today with a student rally at the University of Florida in Orlando in the morning and a town hall discussion at the Winter Park Civic Center later this evening. The goal of the bus tour, as the calendar ticks down to the final weeks before Florida’s November general election, is to both educate voters and combat the propagandistic falsehoods purported in recent weeks by those who oppose the amendment.

“They’re lumping caregivers—kind souls that try to help people with cancer, MS, paralysis ALS, and epilepsy—into the same bucket as felons, and outright lying about what the actual ballot language says,” Pollara said in a recent email about the latest scare tactics used by United For Care’s opponents.

To rally up support for the amendment to legalize medical marijuana in Florida, the bus tour will be stopping in Tampa at the University of South Florida for a student rally tomorrow morning, October 7, before a town hall discussion at Tampa Park Plaza in the evening. On October 8, Morgan and Pollara will hold a town hall session at the South County Civic Center, Room C, at 3:00 pm, with a student rally at Florida Atlantic University set for 5:00 pm. On October 9, the final day of the tour, a student rally will be held at Florida International University in Miami at 1:00pm, followed by a town hall discussion that night at the Better Ferguson Recreational Complex in Miami Gardens.

The detailed bus tour schedule—as well as information for those who would like to show their support by donating to the People United for Medical Marijuana campaign—can be found below.

John Morgan and United For Care Florida medical marijuana bus
