How St. Pete Can Make Its Most Dangerous Intersections Safer

How St. Pete Can Make Its Most Dangerous Intersections Safer Hero Image

St. Petersburg residents have had it up to here with accidents on the intersection of 28th St. N and 1st Ave. N. The corner consists of a one-way road, a busy two-way road, and three traffic lights, and it happens to be the site of 21 crashes since 2013, prompting locals to demand better infrastructure.

Fortunately, St. Petersburg locals have been heard in their call for help and city engineers have begun researching a solution to the troublesome intersection. Nevertheless, the city is still fraught with dangerous intersections.

Here are five of the most dangerous intersections in St. Petersburg, according to the St. Petersburg Intersection Public Safety Program, and tips from experts on how they can be improved.

All Red Lights at 34th St. and 1st Ave. N

The busy corridor of US-19 intersecting with 1st Ave. N is dangerous, and according to the St. Petersburg Intersection Public Safety Program, it has a high frequency of red-light running crashes. Pinellas County may be able to reduce the number of red-light running crashes by creating All-Red Clearance Intervals. These intervals occur when all lights at an intersection are red for a certain amount of time, clearing the intersection before any vehicle in the intersection gets a green light. This method is used in intersections where motorists tend to blow red lights.

Reduce Angle Crashes at 49th St. and 30th Ave. N

The intersection of 30th Ave. N and 49th St. experiences a high frequency of angle crashes — or crashes where two motor vehicles impact at an angle. These can be seen in collisions where a car making a right or left turn hits a car going straight.

In this dangerous intersection, traffic turning from 30 Ave. N into 49th St. has a protected left-turn phase light, but traffic from 49th turning onto 30th Ave. N does not. If St. Petersburg instituted protected left-turn phase lights for all traffic in the intersection, crashes may be reduced.

No Right-Turns on Red at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St and 5th Ave. S

At the intersection of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St and 5th Ave S right-on-red crashes are an issue, according to the St. Petersburg Intersection Public Safety Program. Although Florida is a state where motorists are allowed to turn right on red depending on the intersection and availability of pedestrians, St. Petersburg may want to consider installing a “No Turn on Red” sign, forbidding these troublesome turns on this intersection.

Better Lane Markers at 66th St. and 1st Ave. N

The intersection of 66th St. and 1st Ave. N is near a busy shopping center and multiple medical offices. For those turning from 66th onto 1st to access this shopping center, the lanes can be confusing. The signage specifying the left lane as the only turn lane is small and difficult to see from a distance.

St. Petersburg can make simple but effective changes to this intersection by painting lane arrows onto the road to make it crystal clear which lanes can turn left and right and which lanes must go straight, preventing confusion and accidents.

Longer Yellows at Pasadena Ave. N and Central Ave.

The crossing of Pasadena Ave N and Central Ave. is among the busiest intersections in St. Petersburg, with various shopping centers, offices, and restaurants in the area. The span that a motorist must cross to clear the intersection is vast, so drivers who just making a yellow light may be posing a hazard for other drivers. In these major intersections, extending the yellow light out may help to allow motorists to clear the intersection in a safe time, or slow down if they know they will not make it.

There is a known link between increased yellow-light intervals and reduced instances of drivers running red lights, which is why cities all across the countries are increasing their yellow-light intervals for the safety of their motorists.

Have you or someone you love recently been injured in an accident at a dangerous intersection? If so, our attorneys might be able to help. Read more to learn about how Morgan & Morgan could help you deal with the insurance companies. If you’re ready to pursue a claim, fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.
