NHTSA Cracks Down on Drunk Drivers

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drunk driving is one of the leading causes of death and injury on America’s roads.  The NHTSA is taking a positive step toward cracking down on drunk drivers with a new advertising campaign and a nationwide effort from over 10,000 police departments in addition to other law enforcement agencies, reports the Detroit News.

Officials will be redoubling their efforts during the hours of midnight and 3 AM, which is when the majority of drunk driving fatalities occur, according to a recent study.  Similar efforts over the last few years have resulted in a marked decline of alcohol-related traffic deaths, however, that number still amounts to 11,000 lives needlessly lost each year.

Statistics show that the average drunk driver will drive while intoxicated 87 times before his or her first arrest.  By allowing these blatant violations of the law to continue, drunk drivers may believe that their risk of being caught is minimal and the worst they will face is a fine even after being arrested.  Law enforcement officials are looking to make the consequences of drunk driving clear. 

With alcohol-related accidents occurring every 45 minutes and fatalities every 50 minutes, drunk driving is a very serious threat.  No matter how alert and attentive a person may be, he or she cannot control the behavior or other drivers. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident due to the negligence of a drunk or otherwise impaired driver, you may be able to recover compensation for medical expenses, the cost of car repairs, and other potential damages.

Find out if you have a case by contacting our car accident lawyers. Reach out to us today for a free, no-risk case evaluation. Our attorneys can handle any auto accidents, including those caused by issues like drowsy driving.
