New Law Aims to Reduce Brain Injury Risk

Alabama lawmakers have taken a positive step toward protecting children from brain injuries.  A new law went into effect in July of 2011 forbidding young athletes from rejoining a game after a head injury when a concussion is suspected.  According to the law, athletes and parents must sign a head information sheet, and sports organizations are required to provide coaches with annual training to better help them recognize the warning signs of brain injuries.

The brain is very vulnerable for up to a few days following a concussion.  According to an article on ABC 31, Alabama athletic trainer Michael Stevenson, who works with the Huntsville Hospital said that head injuries are “no different than getting a contusion or a bruise in any other sort of soft tissue in your body, except this is a major vital organ.”  If treated correctly, the brain cells damaged in a concussion are more likely to repair themselves.

The new Alabama law also dramatically reduces the risk of second impact syndrome in young athletes, which can be fatal.  If a concussion goes unrecognized or ignored and an athlete sustains a second concussion before the first injury has healed, the swelling and pressure in the brain may be difficult to control even in a hospital setting.

Traumatic brain injuries can have a devastating effect on victims.  The CDC estimates that nearly 1.5 million Americans suffer a traumatic brain injury every year.  Often, these injuries leave a victim requiring costly lifelong or long-term assistance to deal with their effects.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a brain injury, you may be entitled to financial compensation for medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering damages.  To learn more about pursuing a TBI lawsuit, contact our brain injury attorneys today. Contact us today for a risk-free, no-cost case evaluation. Learn more about what parents can do to prevent concussions.
