Morgan & Morgan’s Coat & Food Drive Gives Back to New Yorkers

Morgan & Morgan’s Coat & Food Drive Gives Back to New Yorkers Hero Image

In the harsh winter months it’s important to remember not everyone has a warm coat and a full belly. That’s why Morgan & Morgan’s New York office is helping the area in more ways than one, with both a coat drive and a food drive to benefit those who are less fortunate.

New York Cares and City Harvest are organizations that do a great deal to help the struggling citizens of New York in various ways, and this year we wanted to pitch in and give them a helping hand.

Coat Drive

The employees of our Brooklyn office went to bat for those dealing with the freezing New York City temperatures. In participating in the yearly coat drive at New York Cares, Morgan & Morgan donated 41 coats!

This is the 28th year New York Cares has conducted its coat drive, and in that time the charity organization has collected nearly 2 million coats for New Yorkers in need.

Starting on November 15th and continuing until the end of the year, the goal of the drive is for all combined donations to total about 125,000 coats. New York Cares then collaborates with a number of partners in the community such as public schools, transitional housing shelters, and nonprofit social service agencies to help ensure that the coats make their way to the people who really need them.

If you’re interested in donating a coat for New York Cares, learn more about how on their website. You can donate a coat, or $20 to buy a new coat for someone.

Food Drive

In addition, Morgan & Morgan’s New York employees also participated in a food drive to help City Harvest, amassing non-perishable foods and canned goods to help feed the hungry.

The City Harvest Food Drive began in mid-October, and extends until January 13th, 2017. The non-perishable items that we and others donate make their way to 500 different food programs throughout New York, including food pantries and soup kitchens.

City Harvest has been at work helping the community for 34 years. In that time span, they have successfully distributed over 545 million pounds of food to its community partners. This year alone, Morgan & Morgan and others who have donated to City Harvest managed to give 55 million pounds of food, which translated to about 150,000 pounds in food delivered per day.

Giving back to the community is a rewarding experience for us, but more importantly it helps save lives. These donations give so much to the ones who need it most, and it is as important as ever to help the needy. If you’re interested in donating non-perishables to City Harvest, learn more on their website.
