Morgan and Morgan Warns of Drinking and Driving Over Holiday

Morgan & Morgan would like to take the time to remind people that although the July 4th holiday is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends, the perils of drinking and driving cannot be forgotten. Around the country, state and local police have mounted campaigns and enforcement crackdowns to curb intoxicated driving and reduce the increase of fatalities that comes at this time of year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Fourth of July saw 392 traffic-related fatalities in 2010, with an astounding 39% of them involving the use of alcohol.

Automobiles are inherently dangerous pieces of machinery, accounting for a stunning 10.8 million motor vehicle accidents per year in the United States. When operators mix alcohol or drugs with driving a motor vehicle, they decrease their driving capabilities and put themselves and others at an increased risk. The lawyers at Morgan & Morgan have seen quite a few cases involving drunk drivers, and we know that the physical, mental, and financial tolls on a family after such an accident are terrible. Since DUI accidents can be avoided, please remember to use a designated driver, call a cab, or use public transportation if you plan to drink over the holiday. Be safe, and have a great Fourth of July holiday.

If you or a loved one is unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident where a driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may be able to collect compensation for your injuries and other damages. After an accident, there may be multiple sources of liability (individual, company, dram shop, agency), so it is important to enlist the help of a skilled DUI accident attorney to make sure you receive the most compensation possible. To learn about your legal options fill out our free, no-obligation case review form.
