Keep Track of How Your Teen Is Driving With These Safety Devices

Keep Track of How Your Teen Is Driving With These Safety Devices Hero Image

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that your kid is already a teenager with a driver’s license. It seems like not long ago your son or daughter was just starting kindergarten, but now they’re behind the wheel. The prospect of an accident is enough to make a parent anxious, but perhaps some new advances in safety technology can help allay your fears.

Wave 3 News recently highlighted one device, called Automatic Pro, that automatically dials 911 when a vehicle is involved in a crash. Automatic Pro’s responders will also contact a parent directly if their child is involved in an accident.

Here are some other devices that parents can use to help keep their teen drivers safe.

On-Board ‘Nannying’

MOTOsafety is another effective safety device for teen drivers because it serves as an on-board nanny. The device offers seat belt alerts, speeding and aggressive driving prevention, and immediate feedback about how your kid is driving, according to MOTOsafety website.

The device can also send reports on a teen’s driving via email or through a smartphone app, to a parent, according to MOTOsafety. Parents can use this daily driver’s report card to coach their teen on better driving practices to reduce unsafe behavior.

Delphi Connect offers many of the same monitoring services for making sure your teen is driving safely. It can connect up to five devices and offers 4G LTE, according to Delphi Connect website.

Monitoring a Car’s Health

Zubie is a safety device that gives parents up-to-date information on the health of their teen’s car, according to the Zubie website. The device provides real-time information on engine codes and also warns parents if the car battery voltage is low, according to Zubie.

Zubie also serves as a coaching assistant to teen drivers by providing tips on how to be more efficient and safe. Teens are alerted on bad driving habits like speeding, rapid starts, and hard braking so that they can modify their behavior.

Another product, Verizon Hum, is also similar to Zubie, because it provides drivers with information on the health of their vehicle. Hum can also automatically dispatch roadside assistance after a car accident.

Curbing Phone Use

Cellcontrol is a device that is inserted under the dashboard and blocks the use of cellphones while the car is in motion. The device blocks phone functions, such as texts, e-mail, camera and Web access unless a hands-free headset is detected, according to Cellcontrol.

If Cellcontrol is deactivated, or removed, a text or e-mail alert is sent to a designated administrator, such as a parent. Cellcontrol is also similar to the other devices mentioned above, because it also sends alerts and scores to let you know how your teenager is driving.

Live2Txt is another device that helps to block texting while driving. It silences your teen’s smartphone from incoming notifications, texts, and calls, according to Live2Txt’s website. When you receive a message, the device will alert the sender with a customized message that you’re unable to respond to at the moment.

What Can Parents Do To Keep Teens Safe On the Road?

Before your teen gets behind the wheel, you can set down rules to keep them safe. You should stress the importance of wearing a seatbelt, so that it becomes second nature when they get into a car.

In order to prevent speeding, you could also teach your teen to leave a few minutes earlier to get to school and pay attention to speed limit signs while on the road.

Another important rule is that teens should not use their cell phone while driving. As new drivers, teens may overestimate their ability to text or talk on the phone while driving and are at risk of getting in an accident, according to the NHTSA. You should stress the importance of putting away the phone, so your kid doesn’t get distracted while driving.

What If an Accident Happens?

With these safety devices, you may be able to stay up-to-date on how your teen is driving, but an accident may still occur. If your teen was hurt in a car accident caused by a reckless driver, we may be able to help. Read more to learn how a Memphis attorney will fight on your behalf with the insurance company to get the compensation your family deserves. If you are ready to pursue a claim, fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.
