Morgan & Morgan Attorney Jay Vaughn on Animation Use in Trials

Morgan & Morgan Attorney Jay Vaughn on Animation Use in Trials Hero Image

Morgan & Morgan is proud to announce that attorney Jay Vaughn, one of our experienced attorneys, published his first article in Trial Magazine. The article, “Animations and 3-D Printing at Trial,” appears in the December 9th, 2015 issue of Trial magazine. It talks about the process of using animations as part of a case and why it works so well.

Vaughn’s article instructs on the process of selecting a computer animation and how to tailor it to be admissible in a specific case. He argues that animation serves as an important part of cases as they are powerful visuals that are hard to counteract.

For example, an image of the damage caused to a human being in an accident, such as a traumatic brain or spine injury, can be striking to look at and has the power to prove the instance of injury. When not used as a gimmick, they can serve as self-explanatory evidence that can help clarify a witness’ testimony.

However, Vaughn stresses that people should be aware of why animation exists as a form of evidence in a trial and what its limitations are. He states that it’s always important to remember that the animations will be presented for demonstrative purposes only – it will not be given to the jury as evidence on the record. Although an animation is a very visual piece of evidence, the court will regard it equally with other pieces of demonstrative evidence in the court.

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