This Holiday Season Morgan & Morgan Is 'For The Children'

This Holiday Season Morgan & Morgan Is 'For The Children' Hero Image

This November, we are committed to being “For The Children” of Jackson and we’re joining with the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department to make it happen. We’re happy to announce we’re hosting a fundraiser for the Mississippi Children’s Home Services.

You can help do something For The Children on Nov. 17, when we’ll host a fun event at Hal & Mal’s. Entry fee is a $10 donation or a toy. Either way, you’ll be helping to ensure that children don’t go toy-free this holiday season.

MCHS has provided our city with more than 100 years of transformative child and family care assistance since its founding in 1912. Today, 1 in 5 children suffers from an emotional or behavioral health challenge, leading families to MCHS for help. Their organization offers services in all 82 counties at 20 locations throughout the state.

MCHS offers a spectrum of services. They provide emergency shelters, care facilities, and birth and adoption services to many at-risk children and families, plus other important services to people in need. And they could use your help doing it.

Why It Matters

Many kids aren’t lucky enough to take part in the fun aspects of the holidays, and that’s a hardship we can do something about. Missing out on toys, gift-giving, and the opportunity to be surrounded by a loving family aren’t something anyone should face.

This shouldn’t happen to any of our youth, and MCHS’s dedication to helping children in need inspires us to commit to their cause. Every day our firm is For The People, but at Christmastime we’re For The Children, too.

Last year, our firm adopted a family and provided them with bikes, winter coats, and other clothing they desperately needed. This year, we’re trying to do even more.

What We’re Doing and How You Can Help

Keeping Jackson a safe and prosperous place for kids is everyone’s priority, and we’re working with the Hinds County Sheriff’s Office to do just that. You can help, too, by talking to your friends and family about coming to our event at Hal & Mal’s downtown, where we’ll be co-hosting the fundraiser and toy drive.

Chasing Dixie will also be playing, having graciously offered their time for this important cause. You can bring $10 for cover, and toys are also accepted.

You can donate to MCHS at the event, but also throughout the year. Find out more about what their organization offers and how you can help.

Where: Hal & Mal’s Restaurant & Brewery on 200 Commerce St. When: Nov. 17, 6:30 — 9:30 p.m. (may run later) How: Donate toys and money, and enjoy a good time.
