How Morgan & Morgan Celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month

How Morgan & Morgan Celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month Hero Image

Since our firm was founded in 1988, we have sought to improve the lives of peoples through what we do in the courtroom, and what we do outside it. While we focus on raising money and awareness for particular issues throughout the year, in October we focus our efforts in coordination with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Typically our motto is “for the people,” and this month it is “for the cure.” Breast cancer will be diagnosed in over 200,000 women this year, and claim the lives of more than 40,000 of them. This makes breast cancer the second-leading cause of cancer death in women, according to the American Cancer Society.

We want to combat this threat to women by raising money for research, and to raise awareness about its dangers. Early detection raises the survival rate, and the more frequently women get screening tests such as mammograms, the more likely they are to catch it early.

For our part, we have run ads in the Orlando Weekly and erected nearly 200 billboards spread across all the cities that house our offices. We hope that these billboards serve as a daily reminder about the importance of regular screening tests.

Our contributions do not stop at raising awareness, though.

Our local offices are engaged in fundraising for a breast cancer charity. For instance, the “Casual Friday” program encourages our employees to dress down for a good cause each week, and this month it’s breast cancer awareness. Offices are calling this Friday, Oct. 21, “Pink Friday.”

In Orlando, the office is looking to raise $500 through an officewide bake sale, and in Tampa, staff members held a raffle for a steak dinner. The raffle was a big success and raised nearly $600 for this great cause.

Not to be outdone, our offices outside of Florida are also fundraising for breast cancer awareness month. The offices in Nashville, Memphis, and Jackson, for example, are giving their Casual Friday donations to the Susan G. Komen Foundation of Memphis-MidSouth. The Susan G. Komen Foundation is one of the largest and best-known breast cancer foundations in the U.S. Morgan & Morgan is not unfamiliar with the foundation, as our Ft. Meyers office donates to it from January to March, each year.

Other offices are also participating in different ways, such as holding bake sales, to raise money to support finding a cure.

As a law firm with 34 offices in nine states, we have a unique opportunity to help many different people around the country. Our tradition of working for the people extends beyond legal issues, to whatever way we can make a difference. We hope that our fundraising and advertising material for breast cancer awareness do just that, and if even one woman’s life is saved because of our efforts, they will have been worth it.
