Despite Election Day Let Down, Medical Marijuana Supporters Look Ahead

John Morgan left little room for speculation at Wednesday’s press conference at Morgan & Morgan’s Orlando office about the future of United For Care’s medical marijuana initiative.

“I am going to make me lots of more money,” Morgan said. “I am going to save that money, and I am going to roll it out again. I have just begun to fight.”

During the press conference, Morgan apologized to the hundreds of thousands of ill Floridians—including his brother, Tim—who could have benefited from the passing of Amendment 2. Despite the initiative falling mere percentage points short of reaching the 60 percent required for passage, Morgan vowed to continue the fight for those who suffer from debilitating diseases and deserve to have medically prescribed marijuana as a treatment option.

In a message on United For Care’s website, Morgan assured medical marijuana supporters that they had obtained a significant symbolic victory on election night despite Amendment 2’s defeat in the polls.

“We may not have passed Amendment 2 tonight but make no mistake, tonight was a victory in the fight for medical marijuana in Florida,” Morgan wrote. “Our next governor will take the oath of office having won less than a majority of Floridians’ votes. The idea that marijuana is medicine and that those suffering and in pain should not be made criminals received a larger share of the vote than the winner of the last six gubernatorial elections and every presidential campaign in Florida for decades.”

In his note to medical marijuana supporters, Morgan also made clear to supporters that state legislators will not be able to sidestep medical marijuana—nor Florida’s seriously ill residents—much longer.

“Tallahassee politicians can ignore polls and ignore activists. They cannot ignore a clear majority of Florida voters. We will not be ignored,” Morgan said. “The governor and the leadership of the House and Senate MUST listen to the people who gave them their jobs. They must act on this issue. They must pass a medical marijuana law in the 2015 session that serves the hundreds of thousands of sick and suffering Floridians who are desperate for one.”

In the days leading up to the November 4 general election, Morgan spent time with “The Today Show,” which took a ride with him on United For Care’s “Yes On 2” four-day bus tour.

In the clip below, Morgan spoke of the reasons why he took charge of the medical marijuana initiative and why the issue has always been transcendent of any political lines that typically hamper progressive changes.

“I expect to win this battle, and the war,” Morgan told The Today Show. “But if I don’t win this battle, I damn sure will win the war.”

It’s these same sentiments that Morgan echoed directly to the Florida patients who would have benefited the most from Amendment 2’s success.

“I have this final message to the patients of Florida—compassion may have been delayed, but it is coming.”
