Anti Bullying (page 2)

Matt Morgan to Represent Family of Bullying Victim Lamar Hawkins III

Attorney Matt Morgan will represent the family of Lamar Jazz Hawkins III, the 14-year-old Florida teen who investigators say shot himself in the head in...

  • Staff
  • Sep 15, 2014

Lawsuit Filed by Rebecca Sedwick's Family Against School Board, Others

Rebecca Sedwick’s mother, Tricia Norman, has filed a lawsuit against the School Board of Polk County, Cemex Construction Materials of Florida, and a former classmate...

  • Staff
  • Aug 4, 2014 Launched to Raise Support for Anti Bullying Legislation

With help from her attorney, Matt Morgan, Rebecca Sedwick’s mother, Tricia Norman, has launched PassRebeccasLaw website with the hopes of collecting enough signed petitions to...

  • Staff
  • Feb 7, 2014

Matt Morgan: Rebecca's Law Will Deter Students from Bullying, Save Lives

At a press conference last Friday at Morgan & Morgan’s Tampa office, Tricia Norman announced that new legislation has been filed to criminalize all forms...

  • Staff
  • Jan 23, 2014

Rebecca Sedwick's Mom to Sue 'Those Responsible' for Daughter's Death

Tricia Norman, mother of 12-year-old Rebecca Sedwick who committed suicide in September, announced today with her attorney Matt Morgan that she would be pursuing wrongful...

  • Staff
  • Nov 25, 2013

Attorney David Henry to Represent Rebecca Sedwick's Mother

Days after two juveniles were arrested and charged with felony aggravated stalking, Morgan & Morgan announced Winter Haven attorney David Henry has been retained to...

  • Staff
  • Oct 21, 2013