Tallahassee Is Becoming a Cyclist’s Dream, and Some Say It’ll Only Get Better

Tallahassee Is Becoming a Cyclist’s Dream, and Some Say It’ll Only Get Better Hero Image

Tallahassee’s cycling community can rest easy knowing their city is doing everything it can to keep them safe, especially after a recent accident in the Panhandle.

A crash in Apalachicola left one rider in critical condition after a car swerved trying to avoid him but failed, according to a Democrat report. Tallahassee has been revamping the city to support cycling traffic, trying to keep everyone safer. Here’s how it’s been going, and what you might see in the future.

Recent Developments

Florida is historically the deadliest state in the country for cycling accidents, according to Next City, but Tallahassee is doing its part to reduce cycling danger.

Bicycling magazine recognized Tallahassee as one of the 50 Best Bike Cities of 2016, coming in at #38, in part because of their newest safety additions. Tally has installed several measures to keep the streets safe for riders.

Earlier this year, the city completed its Protected Bicycle Lane Network, connecting FSU with downtown using bumper blocks, bollards, and special coloring and signs. Planters were installed near some intersections, making it impossible for cars to turn into the protected bike lane.

The city also constructed the Capital Cascades Crossing, a pedestrian-cycling bridge that opened this summer, according to the Democrat. The bridge spans South Monroe Street, and has solar powered panels to keep the bridge lit, and eco-friendly.

These changes are turning Tally into a safer place by giving riders safer lanes, intersections, and their own space on the road, and are just a few promising signs.

Future Plans

The city’s commitment to cycling doesn’t end today. It’s continually expanding its offerings to be a safer and quicker riding environment.

Many other amenities have appeared on their own or in conjunction with the PBL, like bike boxes to help with left turn lanes and storage areas.

Bike boxes are areas in front of or to the side of traffic cyclists can use to pull in front of traffic, giving drivers full view and keeping everyone safer.

Bike racks mean cyclists can safely lock their bikes up while they go about their day without having to worry about losing their property. Bike corrals do the same, but are more compact, letting cyclists store their rides in higher density areas to encourage business.

Trails are being improved to accommodate bicycles, meaning cyclists can enjoy every entertaining inch the city affords. The city also has many organizations and bike shops devoted to spreading the word, boding well for cycling’s future in Tallahassee.

Facing Facts

Tallahassee is literally paving the path for its cyclists to enjoy some premier safety and riding amenities. But the city’s diligence can’t stop every accident, and you might need help from an experienced car accident attorney. Moving forward is as breezy as Tally’s bike lanes. Fill out our risk-free case evaluation form if you’re ready now.
