Attorney 'Nico' Minerva Elected Chair of NY County Democratic Committee

Morgan & Morgan is proud to announce its own Domenico “Nico” Minerva has been elected Chair of the New York County Democratic Committee.

“I am honored that the nearly 3,000 members of the New York County Democratic County Committee, New York County Democratic District leaders, and County Leader Assemblyman Keith L. T. Wright believe in my abilities to competently serve as Chairman to the County Committee,” Minerva said.

For Minerva, progressing from the accomplishments of those who served before him will be the key to accomplishing his committee’s initiatives, something that cannot be done without the help of New York’s voters. As Minerva sees it, the New York County Democratic Committee’s first objectives should be strengthening its inner communication, and, of course, getting the people of New York to stand behind the right candidates.

“I am most excited about organizing the committee and unlocking its immense potential by building upon the successes achieved by my predecessors,” Minerva said. “Specifically, I will implement a communication and accountability system that will give us the ability to mobilize droves of people to advance causes and elect candidates that our party supports.”

The five New York City boroughs (Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island) each make up their own county (New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens, and Richmond) with its own Democratic Committee. Each county committee member is elected to represent Democrats in their local election district. New York County is the largest in the state and, therefore, carries the largest weighted vote at New York State Democratic Party conventions.

Among other duties, the New York County (Manhattan) Democratic Committee Chair is responsible for:

  • Electing county officers
  • Nominating judges to be Democrats in Judicial elections
  • Endorsing Democratic candidates
  • Appointing the Democratic candidate when an incumbent vacates their seat before the end of their term
  • Selecting the Democratic nominee in special elections within the county

Although the significance of being chosen as Chair of the New York Democratic County Committee is certainly not lost on him, Minerva admits his most recent professional accomplishment does coincide nicely with what he’s already achieved in his other job.

“Fortunately for me,” Minerva said, “the timing is great because my greatest professional accomplishment is also taking place right now—working as an integral member of Morgan & Morgan’s securities class action group.”

A graduate of the Tulane University School of Law, Minerva has focused his areas of practice in securities law, shareholder derivative and consumer class action litigation. Thanks to his background as a former Morgan Stanley financial advisor, Minerva also focuses his work on institutional investor and client outreach in order to help clients identify and seek remedies for fraud.
