Atlanta Students Participate in Teen Driver Safety Week

In light of National Teen Driver Safety Week, North Atlanta high school students are participating in a number of activities conducted to promote safe driving practices, according to the Atlanta Parent. Courtesy of the University of Georgia, SADD and other organizations, students can join in hands-on safety exercises, including the use of “drunk goggles,” and “driving” through a poor weather simulator. The exercises, which were also compliments of Drive Smart Georgia and Johns Creek Driving School, were offered as part of the effort to promote safe driving in light of nationally-established week, which runs from Oct. 16th to the 22nd.  

In 2007, National Teen Driver Safety Week was developed by Congress to draw attention to teenager-related car accidents, the leading cause of death for adolescents. One study found that teenage drivers are 50% more likely to be involved in an accident during the first month of unsupervised driving than they are after 12 months of experience operating a vehicle by themselves.  Approximately 75% of severe crashes involving teenagers were attributed to “critical errors” including driving too fast for road conditions, lack of scanning and distracted driving, according to reports.

Teenagers are not the only motorists who can become distracted behind the wheel. A common cause of Atlanta car accidents, distracted driving can occur at any age, with the increase in technology providing motorists more ways to become unfocused behind the wheel. When an individual is injured as a result of another’s distracted driving or other potential act of negligence, they may have legal recourse to seek compensation for damages, including medical bills and pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, find out if you can file a claim by contacting our Atlanta car accident attorneys today for a free, no obligation case review. Contact us today for a free, no-risk case evaluation. Our attorneys can handle any auto accidents, including those caused by issues like drowsy driving.
