Atlanta Lawyer Gets 25 Years for Deadly DUI Crash

An Atlanta lawyer has reportedly been sentenced to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges stemming from a drinking-related crash in 2006 that killed one woman and seriously injured two others.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, after attending a Falcons game, 40-year-old Antonio Tolliver got behind the wheel of his car and tried to drive home. At the intersection of Fort and Ellis streets in Atlanta, Tolliver reportedly ran a red light and smashed into a taxi, killing passenger Shannon Brown, blinding passenger Elbert Hall, and leaving driver John McLendon with brain damage. Tolliver had been ordered not to drive as a condition of probation from a prior DUI, of which he had four, say reports.

Following the accident, Tolliver’s blood alcohol level was measured at .207, more than twice the legal limit, according to reports. Tolliver’s vehicle reportedly T-boned the taxi, instantly killing passenger Shannon Brown, passenger Elbert Hall suffered a collapsed lung and permanent blindness in one eye, and cab driver John McClendon suffered a broken femur, blunt force trauma to the chest, and a traumatic brain injury that has resulted in memory loss problems.

Tolliver pleaded guilty to one count of vehicular homicide and two counts of serious injury by vehicle, all while driving under the influence. Tolliver is reported to have a history of both alcoholism and bipolar disorder. 

Driving under the influence is a serious problem throughout Georgia and the United States. In the United States, 2009 saw an estimated 10,839 fatalities from alcohol-impaired crashes, accounting for 32% of all traffic deaths. According to, in 2009, in Georgia alone there were 331 fatal traffic accidents where at least one driver had a BAC of .08% or above and 26,982 arrests for driving under the influence.  Nearly a quarter of Georgia accident fatalities involve a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 

Accidents that occur as a result of driving under the influence are some of the most tragic because they are considered to be extremely preventable. Those who are the victims of a drunk driving traffic accident may be eligible to receive compensation for their injuries, medical bills, and lost wages.

If you or someone you know is involved in a drunk driving accident, an Atlanta DUI accident lawyer can help you through the difficult process and seek compensation for your injuries. Contact us for help regarding any auto accident with our free, no-risk case evaluation.
