November is Adoption Awareness Month

November is Adoption Awareness Month Hero Image

A stable home can be life-changing, and many children in Mississippi go without one. November is Adoption Awareness Month, and we’re teaming up with the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department to promote an opportunity for children to flourish and find good homes.

Being For The Children is our goal this month. To achieve it, we’re hosting a toy drive and fundraiser for Mississippi Children’s Home Services on Nov. 17 at Hal and Mal’s downtown. You can bring a toy, or pay the $10 cover fee. The event is open to the public.

Many children in the United States are without homes. There are more than 400,000 children in foster care, and up to 100,000 are ready to be adopted, according to the Children’s Bureau. Mississippi has almost 4,000 in foster care, and more than a hundred are ready to be adopted, but all of them can use your help.

MCHS is Mississippi’s premier children’s health network. They provide a variety of campus, community, and educational services aimed at improving the lives of children everywhere in the state. We’re working with them to help children find permanent homes and other success throughout their youth.

MCHS offers many services vital to the future of our state’s children. Behavioral and psychiatric facilities dispense treatment to children and keep families united, community programs teach and take part in fostering healthy home atmospheres, and educational services help children and families grow every day.

The Benefits of Adoption

Since 1912, adoption has been at the heart of MCHS. Their organization has grown and changed drastically since then, but pairing children with loving families is still a key function of their services.

Adopting drastically changes a child’s life. It gives them a stable family and can greatly improve their quality of life.

Adopting meaningfully provides for children’s needs, so they can develop socially in a safe home with a support system, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Having parents gives children opportunities and potential for a future they might not otherwise get to experience.

You can be a part of that.

How You Can Help

Adoption is a huge commitment, and takes some serious decision-making. There are many steps you can take along the way to expose yourself to the idea.

MCHS has plenty of information about adoption, and how you can qualify. Contact its Adoption and Maternity Services to learn more if you’re ready.

But the first step is important, too. You can come out to our event on Nov. 17 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Hal & Mal’s in downtown Jackson, or give your time or donate to MCHS directly. The kids will appreciate the help this Adoption Awareness Month.
