
2031 2nd Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203

(205) 517-6900

Personal Injury Lawyers in Birmingham

Personal injury lawyers can be the first line of defense between injured clients and the major corporations and individuals that have wronged them. Our attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are part of one of the most expansive personal injury law firms in the nation, spanning more than 30 offices in 10 states, including the office here in Birmingham. Our attorneys are prepared to hear your case and to provide you with expert counsel. Schedule your free case evaluation today.

By dealing directly with corporations and insurance companies looking to give you less than you need, we use our resources to help you instead of helping more powerful forces. People need a voice when filing a lawsuit against large corporations; we allow your voice to be heard.

In Alabama, the statute of limitations on personal injury cases is two years. It’s important to get your case started as soon as possible. If you or a loved one in the Birmingham area have been hurt by someone else’s negligence, complete our case review form to sign up for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

Cases We Handle

At Morgan & Morgan's Birmingham personal injury attorneys handle a variety of injury cases, including:

Accidents Can Happen Anywhere

There are a number of categories that the most common injuries fall into. One of the biggest ones is car accidents — as well as accidents involving motorcycles, trucks, and other vehicles.

Car accidents in Alabama have declined slightly in recent years, but still remain a major threat to Birmingham residents. In one of Alabama’s most recent studies on crashes, accidents in Jefferson County went down from 2012-13 — yet there were still nearly 20,000 car accidents there in 2013, leading to over 4,300 injuries. A person was injured in a car accident in Alabama every 14 minutes. Both the cities and rural areas were affected by these crashes - there were more crashes in cities, but more deaths in rural areas.

Injuries can often happen on the job, especially in ones that involve labor. Construction jobs leave plenty of opportunity for possible injuries, and even non-labor jobs bring their own unique risks to them. When you’re hurt on the job, workers’ compensation is there to help pay for your treatment and/or missed time. But sometimes the company’s insurance will deny your claim, or offer you less than you actually need. At times like this, an attorney can help you get the compensation you need.

Premises liability cases are when you are injured either on someone else’s property, whether it’s someone’s house or an establishment like a restaurant or place of business. Whether you’ll have a slip and fall lawsuit on your hands will depend on whether you can prove that the condition of the property was not cared for in a reasonable matter, causing the fall.

There are other forms of personal injury that could lead to a lawsuit as well. If you’ve been injured and are not at fault, contact us to find out if we can handle your case.

Were You the Victim of Negligence?

Negligence is usually the cause of personal injuries, and what you and your attorney will have to prove occurred to win your lawsuit. Negligence is when someone does not act with the reasonable standard care that someone else in their position would be expected to act with.

There are many different forms of negligence, depending on the type of injury and situation. For example, consider a car accident in which you were injured. Was the other driver distracted by texting while driving? Were they asleep at the wheel, or driving under the influence of alcohol? These are all examples of driving negligently, and in some cases recklessly. With proof of this, you may be able to gain compensation for damages.

Think of a slip and fall situation. If there was no wet floor sign by a wet floor, and you slipped on the floor and were injured, that would be negligent, and it would have directly resulted in your fall.

What Can Morgan & Morgan Attorneys Do to Help?

Morgan & Morgan’s reputation is that we are, in fact, for the people. We stop at nothing to bring justice to the everyday person who was hurt by no fault of their own. Our reputation is also built on success: Our more than 30 offices across the U.S. have gotten many multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts for their clients, helping them get their medical bills paid and ensuring peace of mind.

What Can I Win From My Personal Injury Lawsuit?

The amount you can win in compensation during a lawsuit of will depend upon your case. There are several different forms of compensation you can be awarded, however, and these combined amounts can be a big boost to your finances, helping you stay afloat in a time of need.

Some examples of what you can be compensated for include:

Medical Expenses: One of the biggest, most common ways you can receive compensation in a personal injury lawsuit is being compensated for your medical expenses. This includes past and future medical/hospital bills, and can include future medical needs - expenses for rehabilitation exercises, hiring an in-home health care professional, and other medical expenses that your insurance won’t necessarily cover.

Lost Wages: Lost wages can mean a number of things, depending on the severity of your injury and how it affected your work performance. Injuries usually mean missed time at work, and you can potentially be compensated for what you would have been paid for that time. In more extreme cases, injuries can affect your ability to do your job effectively, worsening your chances of employment. In cases like these, you may also be compensated for your lost income.

Pain and Suffering: The trauma suffered due to the physical pain of an injury is something you can receive compensation for, if proven that it is severe enough and is an active hinderance in your day-to-day life. You may also be able to get compensation for emotional suffering you have dealt with in the aftermath of your injury.

Punitive Damages: Punitive damages are usually reserved for cases where injuries were caused by extreme negligence or by recklessness. For example, if your injury was caused by a drunk driver and you won your case, punitive damages might be included in your compensation. These are awarded to you as punishment to the other party, to discourage them and others from making that mistake again.

With all of these forms of compensation a possibility, it’s more important than ever that you find out what you could be entitled to.

Contact Us Today

Have you or someone you know been injured by someone else’s carelessness? If so, Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys in Birmingham can help you figure out what your next steps are. For a no-obligation case evaluation, fill out our free case review form today.

What our clients say

verdicts & settlements

  • Ritz v. Slade

  • Lovett v. Christopher

  • Kindle v. McMullen

  • Andrea Jones v. City of Orlando
