Help With Social Security Disability (SSD) in Atlanta

If you have been denied Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or are considering filing an application for benefits, our Atlanta attorneys may be able to help. In Georgia, a significant number of SSDI applications are initially denied due to mistakes on paperwork or other technicalities.

Our attorneys can help ensure that your claim meets the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) requirements and that you recover the benefits you deserve. In the event your claim is denied, our Atlanta SSA attorneys can guide you through each step in the appeals process, from the first appeal to the courtroom, if necessary.

If you need help with a Georgia SSD claim, an attorney can:

  • Help compile information from Social Security file and medical records
  • Review notices of denied Social Security claims
  • Sit with or in for the client during any SSA interviews or conferences
  • Request reconsideration of appeals on the client’s behalf
  • Prepare the client and witnesses for any hearings or questioning

At Morgan and Morgan’s Atlanta office, we understand the hardship that injury and subsequent unemployment can cause. If you or a loved one needs assistance obtaining SSDI, please fill out our free case review form to contact our Georgia law office today.

Disability Eligibility

To qualify for SSDI, you must have a permanent condition that prevents you from working. This disability must have lasted, or be expected to last, a minimum of 12 months. Additionally, you must be unable to earn an income greater than $1000 per month. Eligibility is also determined by “work credits.” These require that applicants must have consistently worked for roughly five to ten years while paying Social Security taxes to even be considered.

Once it has been established that you qualify for SSDI, you submit enter an application that is properly filled out and supported by the required documentation. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will review your application and approve or deny benefits based on its contents. Many applications are filled out incorrectly or incompletely, and otherwise-qualified individuals may be denied SSDI as a result. At this point, you should consult an attorney to help appeal the decision.

Denied Social Security Disability in Atlanta?

The notice of denial you receive after filing a claim will contain a brief description of the medical condition in question, the various impairments considered, the medical and non-medical records considered, and a reason for the denial. Our Atlanta Social Security disability attorneys remind our clients that a denied claim does not mean that they will never receive benefits.

The SSA denies many SSDI claims, often because the claimant failed to provide enough medical evidence to justify the need for supplemental income. An SSD lawyer can review the notice and help put this evidence together to reassert the client’s eligibility.

An initial denial of your Social Security claim is not the last word on your benefits. If your ability to generate income has been compromised because of an injury, we may be able to help. Please fill out our free case review form to contact our Atlanta Social Security disability attorneys today.